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Engaging the customer of the future elevating customer loyalty in 2024

Businesses are continuously working on strategies to impress the customer. The global recession has tightened privacy laws, and innovations in AI have impacted the way today’s customers behave.
According to Forbes, 63% of customers say they are happier dealing with businesses that make it easy to see how their data is used.
Consumer expectations are rising as businesses deal with growing expenses, the need for efficiency, and privacy concerns. As the retail industry evolves, we need to identify strategic actions by understanding the perspective of the new-age customer.
  • Have you ever thought about the customers of the future?
  • What are their expectations and behaviours?
  • Will they be interested in your business?
In this blog, we unravel this mystery, navigating through the customers of the future who expect distinctive, personalised, and purposeful experiences from the brands.
Customers of the future are quick to embrace new services and technologies. They are going to be loyal to brands that offer meaningful incentives and add value. These consumers base their decisions on their experiences and are goal oriented.


Customers are aware that businesses use their data to provide tailored experiences, but future customers will expect more in return. Customers expect experiences based on their previous purchases, browsing behaviour, trends and even the current weather in their location. According to HubSpot, 67% of consumers think it’s important for brands to automatically adjust content based on current context.


Future customers value experience, quality, and efficiency. According to the Forbes customer survey, 58% of customers are willing to pay more for superior customer service, highlighting the significance of the customer experience.

Evolved customer loyalty playbook

Brands have witnessed a change in customer loyalty behaviour in the last five years. Due to changes in preferences and behaviour, the strategies used by brands to earn loyalty have also evolved. According to Gartner, customers nowadays show strong loyalty to businesses that provide speedy resolutions, convenience, and effectiveness.

Evolving expectations & consumer mindset, easy access to information and technology, and availability of options has completely transformed the way brands seek customer loyalty. Let’s examine a few strategies for fostering loyalty in this modern day.


Customers of the future are quick to embrace new services and technologies. They are going to be loyal to brands that offer meaningful incentives and add value. These consumers base their decisions on their experiences and are goal oriented.

Bring AI-driven experiences

This is a critical time for organizations to carefully apply generative AI to enhance the seamless experiences their customers expect since customer loyalty is at risk. According to McKinsey, 33% businesses regularly utilise Generative AI in at least one business function.

  • Today many brands leverage AI predictive analytics to anticipate customer requirements and preferences. They then analyse this data to detect patterns, which helps them stay ahead of customer expectations.
  • AI tools also help brands anticipate and address possible problems before it reaches customers.

Netflix for example provides hyper-personalized experiences to consumers using AI tools. These tools help them analyze users’ interactions and behaviour, such as search history, ratings, date, and device data. They implement these data points to create a unique homepage filled with recommendations that are relevant to their preferences and current interests.

Build emotional connection

Consistency, efficiency, and a personal touch will be the key to future consumer loyalty. Making genuine connections will help businesses thrive, and encourage customers to remain loyal. Creating hyper-personalized experiences enable brands to connect with a customer emotionally. Understanding, recognizing, and appreciating customers can change the phase of your business in 2024.

Gamified journey

Customers need engaging experiences. Gamification is one of the best tools that brands can leverage to enable a more personalised experience. It allows customers to choose their paths and tailor their interactions basis their preferences. Brands can incentivize loyal customers with personalised quizzes and rewards to increase engagement and in-turn overall LTV.

For example, the Nike Run Club app has leader boards and badges to keep track while running and compete with friends and family. After reaching certain milestones, users unlock exclusive rewards and content.


Utilizing cutting-edge technologies ensure agility, flexibility, and scalability, which can be tailored to new customer journeys, needs, and expectations.

Automation and Data analytics to fuel loyalty building

Automation and data analytics work together to give organizations the ability to provide individualized, real-time experiences. Businesses can use instantaneous analysis of users’ interactions with websites, mobile applications, and other channels to generate recommendations or personalized information.

Businesses can leverage automation and data analytics to build a robust strategy, and this is where Easyrewardz can bring value to you. This technology-backed platform helps you to understand your customers, customize one-on-one conversations, personalise customer journeys, and motivate customers with rewards to take the right action.

Go next level with AR/VR loyalty programs

For customers taking part in loyalty programs, virtual reality (VR) can offer a more captivating and immersive experience. VR may make it easier for members of loyalty programs to interact socially. Users may interact in virtual environments, go to virtual gatherings, or work together on projects. The sense of community among devoted consumers may be strengthened by this social element.

Focus on value beyond transactions

Have you ever experienced an emotional connect with a brand?

It is because of the value delivered or the problem solved by them. This is what makes a customer select a certain product/service over another, even when there are more affordable or practical alternatives.

In the years to come, customers will become increasingly selective about where they put their faith. Prioritising principles, supporting causes, and protecting data helps brands cultivate a foundation of consumer loyalty that extends beyond transactional relationships and foster long-lasting relationships. Providing users with genuine value and purpose is the new frontier.

Prioritising security, granting consumers control over their personal data, and maintaining transparency regarding data practices is essential. Brands that demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding customer data not only uphold ethical and legal obligations but also foster trust.


Customer experience and expectations will continue to be dynamic. Businesses need to alter their strategic framework as customer expectations change. Here are a few best practices brands can follow to stay aligned with the expectations of the future customers expectations.
  • AI-powered personalization: The future customer is tech-savvy. So, infuse technology to provide hyper-personalized experiences. It will help your brand improve conversion, user experience, and loyalty.
  • Sustainability initiatives: The conscious decision to engage in sustainability initiatives can attract customers. Future customers are more aware and mindful of how their decisions affect the environment. They consequently actively look for brands that share their values. Businesses demonstrate their dedication to lowering their carbon footprint, preserving resources, and promoting moral behaviour by putting sustainability strategies into action.
  • Integrate Web 3.0 and metaverse: Become future-ready with Web 3.0 and metaverse technologies to give immersive experiences to your customers. Businesses can create meaningful and impactful experiences that are relevant in the ever-changing digital world. Web 3.0 combines technology such as blockchain with incentives and community models to offer more ownership and value to the customers. Eventually, it gives businesses the opportunity to improve customer engagement and experience. For example, in a Web 3.0 environment, businesses may use a token to allow access to their digital platform/services in lieu of a benefit or improved loyalty points. Businesses blending metaverse with AI can offer personalised avatars, recommendations, and interactive storytelling that adapts based on customer choices. It helps in enhancing engagement and creating a sense of individuality and relevance for a customer.
  • Data-driven decisions: The future is here. Today, data has been converted into actionable insights that can map future customers. Elevating customer experience is ultimately elevating business growth. According to the Forbes’s survey, 62% of marketers are developing strategies and a roadmap for leveraging data based on their business needs and challenges. The data-driven approach arms the business with actionable insights into customer behaviour and their buying journeys.
  • Customer-centricity: One aspect that will continue to be the key to growing any business is customer-centricity. Even with ever-evolving customer expectations, customer-centricity will continue helping your brand build stronger relationships with customers, boosts retention rates, and gets a business more customer referrals.